Team Requirements

To compete in The All-Stars, athletes should possess the strength and skills necessary to perform most all CrossFit workouts prescribed.  Athletes should be comfortable performing standard barbell movements, such as the deadlift, snatch, clean, shoulder-to-overhead (shoulder press, push press, push/split jerk), squats (back, front, overhead) and thrusters.  They should be comfortable using kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags, slam balls and also rowing, running, biking and using a ski erg.

WOD Requirements.  Athletes should be capable of completing Diane, DT, Isabel and Hope as prescribed.

STRENGTH Requirements.  Athletes should be capable of performing deadlifts at 165lb, cleans at 125lb, snatches at 105lb and thrusters at 95lb.

SKILL Requirements.  All athletes should be capable of performing multiple repetitions of the following movements: burpees, box jumps, wall walks, chest-to-bar pull-ups, double unders, handstand push-ups and toes-to-bar.  At least 1 athlete on the team should be capable of performing bar muscle-ups.

**There will be no single “show stopper” movement in ALOTO11; as long as all athletes can perform the required skills, your team will be able to progress through the workouts.  However, the more athletes that are proficient at a skill, the more successful and competitive your team will be.

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