11:00 cap

Team Linda
Dumbbell Bench Press (35lb)
Kettlebell Tater Squat (53lb)
Deadlift (155lb)

*5,000m for time on Concept 2 Erg Bike

All Athletes will be staged behind the start line. At 3, 2, 1, Go, all athlete will enter the workout area.  One athlete will begin doing repetitions of dumbbell bench press, one athlete will get on the C2 bike and the other will be resting.  Once all 10 bench press reps are complete, the athletes will move to kettlebell tater squats.  Once all 10 kettlebell tater squats are complete, the athletes will move to deadlifts.  Once all 10 deadlifts are complete, the athletes will return to the dumbbell bench press to complete the round of 9 reps.  This order will continue until the round of 1 rep is completed, at which point any remaining time will be spent completing meters on the C2 bike. Athletes may rotate at any time, in any order and may share repetitions in anyway.   There must be a tag to the athlete who is resting to allow them to enter the workout area.  You do not need to be biking to complete repetitions. There can only be 1 athlete completing repetitions at a time, and only 1 athlete on the bike at a time. 

Movement Standards:

DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS: The dumbbells begin on the ground and must be lifted without the assistance of another athlete. The rep starts with both arms completely locked out while the athlete is laying flat on the bench with their feet on the ground.  Both dumbbells must make contact with the chest/shoulder at the same time and return to the locked-out position for the rep to count.  During each rep, the athletes feet must remain in contact with the ground and the butt in contact with the bench throughout the entire rep for it to count.  On an athletes final rep, the dumbbells must be lowered to the ground back to the front of the bench without assistance from another athlete.  If at anytime the dumbbells are thrown/dropped or rested on the bench, it will be an automatic 10 synchro burpee penalty immediately for the entire team. 

KETTLEBELL TATER SQUAT: The kettlebell begins on the ground and must be lifted into a goblet position, held above the belly button. The athlete must pass through the bottom of the squat where the crease of the hip clearly breaks the horizontal plane of the knee with the kettlebell in a goblet position. The kettlebell must come to the goblet position in one motion, maintaining the vertical direction, with no assistance from any other body part.  The kettlebell must pass the horizontal plane of the knee on the way up from the ground, before the squat can be performed.  The rep is completed when the athlete comes to a full lockout position with the hips and knees fully extended, and the kettlebell in a goblet position above the belly button.  Each repetition must start with the kettlebell touching the ground. If at anytime the kettlebell is thrown or dropped, it will be an automatic 10 synchro burpee penalty immediately for the entire team.

DEADLIFT: This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees.  Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting on the floor, the barbell is lifted until the hips and knees reach full extension with the head and shoulders behind the bar.  The arms must be straight throughout.  Dropping is permitted from the top.  Touch and go is permitted. 


There will be two scores for this event. Teams in each division will be ranked based on the final time or total repetitions for Linda and final time or total meters completed on the bike.